We are going to focus on opener’s reverse for now. This entails a 2 Drury bid which promises exactly (only) 3-card support. Continuing the saga of reverse bidding, this month we will turn our attention to the meaty topic of responder’s rebids. The concept of the Ingberman convention deals with bidding situations, in which the partner reverses and the. American Contract Bridge League See: ACBL American Whist Movement. Reverses show that the first-bid suit is longer than the suit reverse d into. Another advantage is the relative precision with which strong balanced hands can be bid. Your rebid is a reverse if you must go to a higher level to show the suit (1C-1NT- three-level reverse is made when partner's response forces you to the 3-level to show your second. However, with stronger hands -- those where you want to be in game, even if partner has a bare 5-7 pts. . The club was founded on Acol Road, named after Acol, Kent. In this situation, 2NT by you usually shows weakness (5-7 points) and is a relay bid, asking partner to rebid 3C if he has a minimum (16-18 points). Cappelletti (also called Hamilton and Pottage) is one of many defensive bridge bidding conventions used in the card game contract bridge to compete or interfere in the auction when an opponent has opened one notrump (1NT). Your partner needs a club stopper, therefore, to bid notrump. Henrysun909. In the card game contract bridge, a forcing bid is any call that obliges the partner to bid over an intermediate opposing pass…. We’ll just have to pass for now. Printer friendly version. Basically, a "reverse" is when opener's rebid (2nd bid of the auction) meets both A & B: A) Opener's rebid is in a HIGHER ranking suit than his first suit. Abstract. Respond 2 . Double raise = limit (also in competition) 3 NT = balanced forcing raise (off in competition) Splinter bids (in comp. Yes. A reverse is a bid like an opening bid or an overcall. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesBENJAMINISED ACOL (Reverse) BENJAMINISED ACOL. The main difference is in the meanings of 2-level responses to an opening bid. Its not quite strong enough for a reverse into 2 , and a rebid of 1NT would be an underbid. S. Ei Culbertson, shortly before the publication by One Four Horsemen of their bidding system, included this conceptual in his own system and provided the designation of reverse. I'm interested in your use of the red suits after partner has bid 4♣ as quantitative with a Spade fit. Drury is a bid designed to allow a passed hand responder to show a limit raise (10+) in support of opener’s major (1♥ or 1♠) suit at a low. But, the reverse is not forcing to game. Reverse Drury In the original version of Drury, opener bid 2 ♦to show a light opening. After the auction: Partner You 1D 1S 2H 2NT (Lebensohl) 3C. Revoke Failure to play a card of a suit led when it was possible to do so. 1NT Forcing (aka the Forcing Notrump) is a cornerstone of the 2/1 ("Two Over One") bidding system. Let’s start first by. In that case a "reverse" on my part would require at least 15-16 points (not 17), to get to the 25-27 needed for game. The reverse is push for one round. This was first proposed by Jean-Rene Vernes in a bridge world article and made popular by Larry Cohen in his book: "To Bid or not to Bid: The Law of Total Tricks. Landy. Introduction. With five cards in a minor and four cards in a major plus opening bid strength, respond in the minor and then bid the major. A splinter by making a jump reverse of 3H which promises 4 spades and both invites game and shows shortness in hearts. A "Limit" raise, showing 10-12 points and exactly 4-card trump support. is the 2-over-1 Forcing-to-Game system. Specifically, it occurs when opener is unbalanced with 16+ points (some players require 17+ points) and hears a one-over-one response from partner. Direct Cue-bids deny a stopper. The Drury convention is a bridge convention, used to show a game-invitational major suit raise by a passed hand while guarding against a light opening by partner in third or fourth seat. Reverse Drury In the original version of Drury, opener bid 2 ♦to show a light opening. by Brian Tomlin Feb. It shows support for the major (at least 3 cards) and a good raise. A bid of 2♦would be a reverse — a bid at the two level in a higher-ranking suit. Author Title Date Level Rating; Author : Larry Cohen; Title :. Responder's Reverse Bids are an inferentially a Forcing bid. Names, greetings and personal messages have been removed to respect privacy and focus on bridge. Just go. Why is it a good thing to use Benji? All of us already play pre-emptive bids at the three level - weak – 6 – 9 points. Losing Trick CountReverses show that the first-bid suit is longer than the suit reversed into. Yes, a suit contract - not NT. Two-Over-One GF (and "forcing" 1NT) – (continued) An important feature of the 2/1 GF system is to employ a 1NT bid (by an unpassed hand) in response to a major-suit opening bid as forcing (or semi-forcing) for one round. Reverses use up a lot of bidding space. Thus, in the sequence. REVERSE BIDDING (The word ‘reverse’ can be very misleading. The “Barrier”If partner opens 1-of-a-suit and the opponents overcall in a suit: >New suits by responder are forcing one round (if on the 2-level, 10+ points). Basic bridge bidding is based on a practice called "up-the-line", which means that after you open, partner's one-level responses and your rebids are always made in the cheapest of your 4-card suits. It is important to emphasize that responder must bid again with an invitational-strengthpartnership to a game contract, and we don’t want to bid 2NT with no real stopper in diamonds. This convention is named after Marty Bergen, the developer of this treatment. Response to 1 /. If partner does bid spades and you support them he will only count on you. It's an important bid, because the 2-level new suit 1st response showing 10+ is not enough for opener to bid game if. However, he was in no hurry because opener had to take another bid. Severe reverse recovery effects of the intrinsic diode is a big problem in the application of CoolMOS™, resulting surge voltage and current, extra switching loss and electro magnetic. Attitude or Reverse Attitude –Exactly the same as the signal I discard a high card in a suit it says I. You are at: Home > H > High Reverse: Bridge Bidding. Hand b is similar to hand 1. As a general rule, with 4-4 in the majors, respond 1H to an opening bid of 1C or 1D, but with 5-5 in the majors, respond 1S regardless of the relative strength of the two suits. " That's nice, but don't be proud. B) Opener's rebid is at a HIGHER level than responder's response ( but never a jump !) REVERSE BIDDING REVERSE BIDDING (The word ‘reverse’ can be very misleading. REVERSE BIDS OPENER'S REVERSE BIDS The standard definition of an opener's reverse bid is a bid in a third suit in an uncontested auction which prevents responder from returning to the first suit at the two-level. to see GIB's convention card. Similarly, 4 would show spade shortness. Hence the gap between HCP. It's based on Standard American with 5-card majors. Posted 2012-May-09, 15:32. It shows about 17-20. After the auction: Partner You 1D 1S 2H 2NT (Lebensohl) 3C. Playing ReverseOpening the Bidding Suppose you have a good enough hand to open the bidding. A normal opening bid (12+ points) 2. Reverse Bidding a new suit above the barrier. A response of 4 would be a trans-fer to 4 , allowing the contract to be played from partner’s side. This promises extra values and. not bid 1NT with 4- card support of opener’s minor with shortness elsewhere, and generally should prefer to bid a 4-card major at the 1 level if possible. Th e advantage of the 2/1 System is that it allows the partnership to know that game is possible with only a single bid. Billy Miller wrote an article in the Bridge Bulletin about Modified Baze (Dec 2010). Opener bids their higher suit first then rebids their lower suit. The 2 response is forcing one round, and responder passes when opener shows a minimum opening with 6+ spades. 2NT in competitive bidding situations. It can be , a transfer, a 2-suiter, a 3-suiter, an either-or, a reverse upside down poisoned dragon, whatever. Partner will rebid after this call so you won't be left in a bad fit. Help Suit Game Try conventions include: Ewen. With the final bid being a matter of judgment by opener. You and your partner have to come to some agreements. If Responder rebids their own suit at the 2-level, it is forcing for 1-round and shows a good 5-card suit or a 6-card suit. LHO overcalls, partner shows a 1-level response (by bidding or doubling) and opener makes a 2-level reverse. . If Responder wants to choose Opener's first suit, she has to bid on the three level. He cannot pass. In summary, responder’s reverse is usually used as simply a forcing bid, when looking for the best contract. Playing 2/1, however, this range must be widened to include the game-invitational 11-12 point hands. You need 23 combined points to be safe in 3 of a suit or 2NT. Opener's rebid - 'reversing', or 'going through the barrier'. It's based on Standard American with 5-card majors. Reverse Bergen, and Combined Bergen raises, inverted minor suit raises with crisscross and fl ip. The negative double is a form of takeout double in bridge. A Q 5. a third-suit bid that is a reverse or a three-level bid is forcing to game; (b) a third-suit non-reverse at the two-level is forcing for one round, and responder may pass if opener bids two of responder's first suit or three of opener's. A reverse is a bid like an opening bid or an overcall. Opener, with. This applies only if the responder's bid was at the 1-level. Over a one over one bid, I imply 17 points or more, against your presumed nine points, a rough "average" of your possible holdings. (See also: Gates Double) 2. Double=Exactly 4. In contract bridge, an intra-finesse is a rare finesse that may be employed when missing 3 honor cards. Most experts, to my knowldege, do not permit an out below game. points. A jumpshift is a jump by opener in a new suit. New-suit bids by opener do not force responder to bid again unless opener's rebid is: A jump-shift (1D - 1H / 2S or 3C) or A reverse rebid, where his second suit is higher in rank than his first suit (1C - 1S / 2D or 2H) Other new-suit bids by opener -- 1D-1H / 1S or 1D-1H / 2C, for example -- show less-than-forcing values. Bid 2 of your longer minor with all other hands – not forcing. It's important to recognize a reverse when your. 4+ Spades, 16+ distributional points, singleton or void in Hearts, inviting game; note Mini-Splinter suit is always responder's suit (2H would be a Reverse) Definition of Opener's Strong Jump Shift: Opener's jump bid is in a rank higher than both responder's suit as well as opener's initial suit rank. I have presented the fundamental aspects of the bidding structure in this book. Reverse Bid An opener’s rebid of a higher suit at the 2-level means 16+ points. Yes, you have a good hand. a reverse by opener at the two level: For example, suppose opener is South: WEST NORTH EAST SOUTH 1 Pass 1 Pass 2 We should notice the following points about a. The rule is that after 1m-1NT, if a bid of 2X would be a reverse, then a bid of 3X is a self-splinter. The first is, I'd rather not play in "your" suit (clubs) nor the opponent's suit (diamonds). We are concerned only with auctions where responder bid on the one-level. Although this sequence is highly encouraging and will seldom be passed. One of the most popular bidding systems in the U. 1 – (1 ) – dbl – (pass) – responder is known to have only a 4-card heart suit. "Good" means more than a single raise to the 2-level. We tend to treat them as unbalanced hands, but nothing is easy. Specifically, it occurs when opener is unbalanced with 16+ points (some players require 17+ points) and hears a one-over-one response from partner. The 2D re bid can be made on a GF hand with excellent C. , 2NT -3; 3-4; 4-5 shows diamond shortness. Yes, you heard me. -1 -2~), that is called a reverse. Best to open 1NT and describe the essential features of the hand. When 2 is doubled, then redouble is SOS. Playing Drury, responder can keep the bidding low at the 2-level instead of making a jump raise. You can use splinters in numerous situations. Blackwood, limit raises, and more exotic bids are explained in detail. BID THAN REDOUBLE. To open 1♥ or 1♠, you need at least five cards in the suit. It is forcing for one round when the response was at the one-level. K J 9 4 3 6 K 7 Q J 10 4 2 Bid 2 , showing spades and a minor suit. 1 2 3 responder bid). If playing "Inverted," the raise from 1 to 2 (or 1 to 2) is 10+ and the raise from 1 to. What is a reverse in bridge? The name is confusing and it can be more helpful to think in terms of 'breaking your barrier' when you are rebidding strong, unb. In response always bid the longest suit first. The question is what requirements do you need to make one. Reverse definition, opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character: an impression reverse to what was intended; in reverse sequence. Opener is bidding like someone with a likely 2-2-6-3 pattern. So playing 'high encourage', a low discard might be discouraging or 'neutral'. g. After Opener's Reverse: As to the follow-ups, after, say 1-1-2, I recommend: 2 = 5+ spades, 1-round force 2NT=Forcing, but could be a weak hand (responder can pass opener's next bid). Such a rebid is known as a reverse, and it also promises more cards in the first-bid suit than the second. Strong 2C Opening Bid. Typical jump-reverse auctions that carry this meaning include:What is a reverse in duplicate bridge? In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. Responder with a 4+ card Major, bid that Major. What is “reversed” about this? What is reversed is. 1M 3d = 7-8. Example #5 K 4 3 A 4 K Q J 9 6 7 4 2Bidding Conventions /. Bidding: Reverse Drury - See Conventions. Sequence B is a reverse re-bid. In the card game contract bridge, the Losing-Trick Count (LTC) is a method of hand evaluation that is generally only considered suitable to be used in situations where a trump suit has been established and when shape and fit are more significant than high card points (HCP) in determining the optimum level of the contract. 28+ HCP. Reverse Flannery Another approach for using 2H and 2S responses to a 1-minor suit opening bid is to use these bids to show a variety of problematic hands that have length in both major suits. When partner responds at the two level, a reverse is forcing to game. There are two bids responder cannot make after a one–level response with a good hand (8 or more points): either of the weakness signals from the previous section. A 2♠ rebid would constitute a reverse and show a strong opening hand, certainly stronger than this. A reverse is a simple bid in a higher ranking suit at the two level. The method is generally not. Click the link for specifics, but the gist of opener's reverse is: Opener's second bid is (not a jump) in a higher ranking suit than his first-bid suit. Searching for your own mistakes is the only way to learn this game. Specifically, responder cannot bid 2NT or rebid his suit. and then jump in the major by bidding at the 3-level with a major suit fit. Better to bid a 4-card suit on the 1 level when possible. At the risk of creating confusion the reverse bid sequence is switched where both suits are black. Secondly, it follows the modern trend in bridge to be destructive rather than constructive – i. The 2 response (rather than a limit-raise to the 3-level) has the advantage of keeping the partnership at the 2 level when the opening bid was made on say, an 11- or 12-count. This allows Responder a large variety of bidding options in auctions that start with a rebid at the 1-level. Also see: Better Bidding With Bergen: Volume 1 - Uncontested Auctions (pg 38) Note: Most play that Bergen Raises are "off" after a passed hand, opening in third or fourth seat (see. IDAK is an acronym. This shows responder that he, opener, has more Diamonds than Hearts and more. Advancer’s 2NT bid asks for a 3C response* 2S-X-P-2NT-P-3C-P-3H shows a weak hand Cue-bids are game-forcing and imply 4 in the other major(s). Now,1 1 3 is gameforce. There is no consensus as to which way is best. Responder’s hands can be subdivided into one of five hand patterns, two supporting opener’s first or second bid suits, two based on one or two-suited hands, the last expressing a balanced hand. AlthoughHow do you reverse a bid in bridge? A reverse bid is a second bid in a new suit at the two level by opener in a higher ranking suit than opener’s first bid suit. New-suit bids by opener do not force responder to bid again unless opener's rebid is: A jump-shift (1D - 1H / 2S or 3C) or A reverse rebid, where his second suit is higher in rank than his first suit (1C - 1S / 2D or 2H) Other new-suit bids by opener -- 1D-1H / 1S or 1D-1H / 2C, for example -- show less-than-forcing values. Wolff Sign-off. Memahami Reverse Bid. Direct Cue-bids deny a stopper. You ignore the Alert and continue bidding in a manner consistent with your prior thinking. Not a jump and not a new suit (same suit as responder bid). Hand d is of invitational strength. 4 plus 7 = 11. This bid has two meanings. "Skid" Simon. The Bridge World Magazine, Bridge Books, Bridge Articles, Learn Bridge, Play Bridge, bridge resources. It is similar to 1 ♥ 1 ♠ 3 ♦: a strong jumpshift by opener is game force. S. 1 Pass 1 Pass 1NT Pass 2 South’s 2 is a reverse. It's used to judge how high to bid after an 8+ card trump fit is identified. Note that without the 2 bid East would be too weak for 2 and should respond 1 NT. As first written and played, here were the responses to a 1-of-a-Major opening: 3 =6-10 in support and 4-card support. Reverse Bergen Raise. If South prefers diamonds then they need to bid at the three level. Forcing? Yes, a reverse is forcing. You will not be able to access the bidbox software during the replay, but join Rob for his nex. But, the reverse is not forcing to game. On the second auction, if you have a minimum, 2 ♦ is more economical than 2 ♥. Bid 3om to show minor stopper, neither hearts nor spades stopped-- A cue bid overcall implies a two-suited hand. After opening 1 in third or fourth seat and getting a 2 Drury response, opener can rebid as follows: Opener's Rebid. When you break through “The Barrier” it is known as a “Reverse Bid” For example, Opener Respond 1 1 2 Further examples: 1. So, 1 -1 -2 would show not only 16/17+, but would indicate 5+ and 4. Unlike Standard American, this bid is not limited to 6 to 9 HCP. - 2♣: - 9+ points with probably five. 1 1 2 Opener has 12-15 points. A Bridge World survey showed a 75 percent consensus approving the Last Train convention, with the following definition: “Any time there is only one call that indicates slam interest or. The reason you don't repeat 5 cd majors in other situations is that partner. Opener is too strong to rebid 3 , and. If the opening bid is 1 and responder bids 1♠, opener doesnt have a satisfactory rebid. ) Jump-Reverse Auctions. Over whatever partner bids, you'll bid your spades again to show extra length. Standard Bidding – More Bidding After a Reverse After a reverse in a 3-suited auction, 1X-1Y-2Z, Responder’s weakest action is to bid 3X. The partnership will be playing in an eight-card fit. Reverse Bidding Explained. Precise methods and definitions vary with country, bidding system and partnership agreements. Mike Hargreaves (CAN) 2 is a one round force, but it may be weak. S. ; When 2 is overcalled, then double is for takeout. Reverse Drury is a variation of the Drury convention. Queries (including follow-up replies if any) are shown in this color. The ‘reverse’ is just one of several strong opener’s re-bids. A bridge talk from Muswell Hill Bridge. Inverted minors were originally part of the Kaplan-Sheinwold bidding system that employed 5-card majors and a 12-14 1NT. This can be either opening a lower suit and then rebidding a higher suit immediately after, or else responding and then rebidding a higher suit. If the cue bid is of a minor, it implies both majors or spades and a minor. Specifically, responder cannot bid 2NT or rebid his suit. Lebensohl 2NT (2NT as a relay) is a useful agreement in these situations. 4. Bidding Conventions /. Of course, opener can rebid game or make another strong action to show opening values. A reverse is forcing for one round. If the cue bid is of a major suit, it implies the other major plus a minor. Which bids are putting pressure on the bridge? A forcing bid is any call in the card game contract bridge that forces the partner to bid over an intermediate opposing pass. Second, if the auction marks dummy as much stronger than declarer, so that any missing honors are likely on your left, it is right to agree to lead highest. Opener's sequence is forcing to game and shows 19+ points. Partner will know that you must hold 5 spades (because you bid them twice) and 6 hearts. Mr. The responder’s first obligation is to bid a 4. Partner can return to your first suit at the 2 level. Opener should re-bid as if partner has precisely a 4-card suit(s), and possibly only 6 points. reverse the meanings of Standard Carding. ) Called a “reverse” because it is “normal” to bid the higher. So "go back" and think in terms of my bidding one spade (or one heart). In the following bidding, opener is said to have reversed by bidding 2♥: If the rebid is at the 3-level. Given that South may only have 6 points North should have 18 or more points. Respond 4 (or 4 , or 2NT). . An extreme example would be something like ♠A‑4‑3‑2 ♥ K‑4‑3‑2 ♦ 3‑2 ♣A‑3‑2. and played by bridge players for many years. OPENING BIDS OF 2 , 2 or 2 Raises are pre(“Weak Twos”): Needs six card suit with good suit quality and a hand with Should have no outside four card major. With 4+ card support, the Drury bid is an artificial 2. I have presented the fundamental aspects of the bidding structure in this book. With 4+ card support, the Drury bid is an artificial 2. • 1D-1H-1S. It is an integral part of natural or common sense bridge bidding. What is a reverse and what does it show. 4. Opponent makes an opening preemptive weak 2 bid. 1♥-2♥-2♠* (asks partner would accept a HSGT i. Drury is a convention used by the responder after his partner has opened 1 or 1 in 3rd or 4th seat. Bergen is ON with any interference if it is still a jump. Dodds/Italian –A even card says I like this suit and odd card has suit. A "Constructive" raise, showing 7-10 points and exactly 4-card trump support. Losing Trick Count (LTC) is a hand evaluation method popularized by Australian expert Ron Klinger. Reverse Bidding (or Going Above the Barrier) When you open the bidding, with a one-level suit bid, you immediately set yourself. A reverse bid does not apply if you are still. Opposite two aces, bid 6. Thus, the 2/1 system requires a bidding mechanism to describe responder hands that have “in-between” values: those holdings in the 10-12 point range. In general, the GIB robots on BBO use the 2/1 system described below. The opener will sign off on the Two Level with a minimum hand, and this is known as Reverse Drury. In "25 More Bridge Conventions You Should Know", authors Barbara Seagram and David Bird suggest the following calls by advancer. Specifically, Lebensohl is valuable over a reverse in that it. The general approach is just as the name suggests: If responder's first bid is 2 of a new suit (1S by opener - by responder. -. From opener, a bid of a higher ranking ‘not required’ suit is still a reverse. a reverse HSGT)This is an oxymoron. e. As compared to the old Drury method, which used 2♦ to deny an opening bid, it also has a slightly preemptive value thus making it harder for the opponents to enter the bidding even though they know that the Lebensohl - A comprehensive arsenal of bids designed to handle several difficult auctions, including: 1. While a reverse doesn’t necessarily require as strong a hand as a jump shift, the style recommended here is to treat a reverse as forcing for one round. A reverse shows at least 16-18 playing points. 4. The "Walsh" terminology refers to the fact that these bids may conceal an equal or longer diamond suit. Suppose responder has greater strength. Implicitly, the Last Train cuebid implies values insufficient to bid slam via Blackwood but more than enough to signoff in game (thus lacking Ace controls). 1M 3d = 9-10. 20, 2019. Reverse definition, opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character: an impression reverse to what was intended; in reverse sequence. Transfer Walsh is a bidding convention used in contract bridge. Opening bids of 1NT and 1 of a major are very descriptive and give us a good start in the auction, so if. The Rule of…. e. This convention was named for Monroe Ingberman of New York, who was a mathematician and bridge player. See examples of REVERSE used in a sentence. The original structure of Precision, another bidding system, also employed inverted minors over a 1 ♦ opening. Note: The responder may not be a. 1. Yes, your partner reversed. Partner’s first obligation is to raise hearts with three-card support. It shows more cards in the first bid suit than in the second suit and is forcing for one round. Notes: > Some pairs use 2-way Drury. Acol, Reverse Benji and the Multicoloured Two Diamonds. 0:00 / 7:02 What is a reverse in bridge? The name is confusing and it can be more helpful to think in terms of 'breaking your barrier' when you are rebidding strong, unb. The bid is usually forcing to game, for fairly obvious reasons. deny the opponents bidding space when they possibly hold the balance of points. Non-reverse bids The following auctions would not be showing reverse bids: 1♣-1 The second bid is not at the 2-level. The ‘weak-two’ approach to bidding is popular for two main reasons. If you’re 5-5 in the minors: Open 1D. Opponent makes an opening preemptive weak 2 bid. He cannot pass. game if East had a full opening bid. The argument that hand two is not worth a jump shift is one I cannot follow. If the opening hand had real opening-points strength, then the responder should be very. •Re sponder would have to bid at the three level to. Team trials to select a team for the Bermuda Bowl in China was held in June (in a Chicago suburb). Opener could have up. The main difference is in the meanings of 2-level responses to an opening bid. Weak Two opening bids are announcable simply as weak. By the end of this chapter you should understand the following terms: A Reverse: A rebid that invites preference at the three-level. 3 Level bids show ‘useful’ values** With a game-going hand and 5+ pieces, no need to cue-bid. g. 1NT response denies 4-card major. South used excellent judgment with his economical 2 bid. The partnership should have a chance for a game contract playing in the nine-card fit. Just like there are requirements to make an opening bid and requirements to make an overcall bid, there are particular requirements to make a reverse bid. One of the most popular systems in America right now includes both 2/1 GF and Bergen raises -- and this leaves an enormous, unsolvable gap in your system. Of course, opener can rebid game or make another strong action to show opening values. The Reverse Rebid by Opener. –The opener’s second bid is at the two level. But, the reverse is not forcing to game. Opener asks for responder's short suit by. One of the most popular bidding systems in the U. George Boehm originally attributed the convention resolving. S AQ84 Be careful not to get confused with this H AJ53 situation where you open 1H for quite a. This lesson is concerned with responder jump shifts. The four types of auction are: 1. There are two bids responder cannot make after a one–level response with a good hand (8 or more points): either of the weakness signals from the previous section. A bid by responder in the fourth suit, the only remaining unbid suit, is artificial indicating that responder has no appropriate alternate bid, remains interested in. By bidding 2 ♥, partner will now know you have this 6-5 distribution and bid accordingly. you must go to the 2-level to bid your second suit. Bidding starts with the dealer and continues around the table in a clockwise direction until three consecutive players have announced "No Bid", at which time the auction is over and the game progresses to playing the cards. We have created a standard convention card for GIB. Note: A reverse is not the. Reverse Auction: A reverse auction is a type of auction in which sellers bid for the prices at which they are willing to sell their goods and services. Unlike duplicate bridge, the scoring is cumulative. Responder has a “game hand” after opener’s reverse when holding 8 or more points.